Elitesoldaten gegen den Bolschewismus (2 LP SET) - FACTORY SEALED!
Double-LP set produced by E. Hocheder & Co., chronicling the war service of the Waffen-SS and Germany's European volunteers on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944. "Elite soldiers against Bolshevism...."
Contents include: 6/22/41: Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop's press conference with German- and foreign journalists, announcing the German note to the Soviet government; Russlandfanfare; 6/22/41: Dr. Joseph Goebbels reads Hitler’s proclamation of Operation 'Barbarossa;' Von Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Meer; 10/14/41: Report from a Waffen-SS unit on the road to Moscow; 10/21/41: OKW-Report - Capture of Stalino, air raids on Moscow and Leningrad; 11/1/41: OKW Report - German entry into the Crimea, the crossing of the Donets and the taking of bunker positions on the Volkhov river line; Märsche: Grossdeutsche Grenadiere, Soldaten, Kameraden; Hindenburgmarsch; 4/26/42: Hitler’s Speech to the Reichstag on the Winter Battle in the East; Marsch: Reiht Euch ein; Broadcast by SS-Unterscharführer Kruithof of the SS-Brigade 'Nederland': "Why I went to war"; Marsch der SS-Brigade 'Nederland'; SS War Reporter Kurt Schindler: "Our Task"; Battle Report - The 44th SS-Division in action on the Northern sector of the Eastern Front; Marsch der SS-Division 'Hunyadi'; Sambre et Meuse; Report from Brussels: “Two Years of the SS-Sturmbrigade ‘Wallonie’”; Panzermarsch; and much more.
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