Edged weapon Portepees / Seitengewehr Troddel Sword and Bayonet knots were originally introduced in the Prussian army in 1808, and continued to be worn with the Dress uniform as a tradition and identifying item through into the Third Reich era, with minor modifications.
Originally designed as a functional item to secure the blade sidearm to the holders wrist the knots eventually evolved into a purely decorative, traditional edged weapon accessory. For enlisted personnel the main components of, strap, slide, stem, crown, and ball were woven or pleated cotton in different colors representing which unit within a regiment the wearer served. The basic regiment consisted of three Battalions with a Headquarters unit and four Companies each, with two additional Regimental or Headquarters Companies and usually a Reserve and Training Companies. This resulted in a colorful array of bayonet knots within a regiment with twelve or more assorted color combinations.
This example consists of the main components of, strap, slide, stem, crown, and ball. The field gray leather strap is inserted through the woven leather white into the top of the interwoven yellow crown consisting of horizontally laid, twisted yellow plaiting while the ball consists of vertically laid, twisted gray cotton forming an Acorn and cap. The bottom has a recess with an inset piece of gray strap. Used, shows wear and soiling. If only this could talk, imagine the story it would tell.
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