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Pro Patria: Märsche und Lieder der Deutschen

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Product Description




A magnificent compilation featuring Germany's most beloved marches and patriotic songs, the latter in sometimes martial-, sometimes sentimental-, but always stirring performances presented by male choruses with orchestral accompaniment and mixed choruses.


Performers include the Bundeswehr's Heeresmusikkorps 300 Koblenz under the direction of Oberstleutnant Georg Czerner; Heeresmusikkorps 12 Veitshöchheim under Major Volker Wörrlein; Die Deutsche Chorgemeinschaften; and (as guest artist on the first track) the legendary heroic tenor Mario Lanza.


The lyrics of the songs presented here are included in the 16-page, color-illustrated German-language insert booklet. Some of the selections on this album are, to our knowledge, totally new to CD, while the versions of the better-known pieces heard in this compilation have never been offered elsewhere.


Complete contents include:


Gaudeamus igitur (Trad.)*

Kein schöner Land (Anton W.F. von Zuccamaglio)*

Die Wacht am Rhein (Maximilian Schneckenburger / Carl Wilhelm)*
Fehrbelliner-Reitermarsch (Richard Henrion)

Lied der Franken (Josef Victor von Scheffels / Valentin Eduard Becker)
Alte Kameraden HM II/150 (Carl Teike)

Siebenbürgenmarsch (Georg Fürst) 

Der Coburger-Josias Marsch AM I/27, HM I/9 (Michael Haydn)

Des Grossen Kurfürsten Reitermarsch AM III/72, HM III A/27 (Cuno Graf von Moltke)
Fanfare und Marsch der Pappenheimer-Reiter AM III/138, HM II/2 (Michael Haydn)
Präsentiermarsch AM I/1a, HM I/2 (Friedrich Wilhelm III von Preussen)
Freiheit, die ich meine (G.F. Maximilan von Schenkendorff / Karl Groos)
Ich hab mich ergeben (Hans Ferdinand Massmann)*
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden (Ludwig Uhland / Friedrich Silcher)*

Kreuzritter-Fanfare AM III/113, HM II A/40 (Richard Henrion)

Regimentsgruss HM II/4 (Heinrich Steinbeck)

Geschwindmarsch AM II/126 (Johann Strauss the Elder)

Helenenmarsch AM II/173, HM II/55 (Friedrich Lübbert)

Marsch 1837 aus Petersburg AM II/113 (Eriksson)
Schwedischer-Kriegsmarsch AM II/241, HM II/99 (Trad.)
Althessischer-Reitermarsch 1732 AM III/141 (Landgraf Ludwig VIII. von Hessen-Darmstadt)
Parademarsch der Langen Kerls AM I/106, HM II/3 (Marc Roland)
Grosser Zapfenstreich (Trad.)
Das Lied der Deutschen [Deutschland über alles] (Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben / Josef Haydn)* COMPLETE THREE-STANZA VERSION

* Vocal Selection

Total Playing Time: 69:52


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