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Yankees in Vienna: Militärmusik Kärnten

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Product Description

"Yankees in Vienna?" Don't be misled by the title: apart from the one American march on this album that serves as its title track, this is an atmospheric collection of dependably "K.u.K." marches from the heyday of the Habsburg Empire.

In this compilation, the Austrian Federal Army's Militärmusik Kärnten (directed by Militärkapellmeister Sigismund Seidl) presents TWENTY ONE rare compositions that are not usually included in mass-market releases of Austro-German martial music.

Several selections feature vocals provided by an Austrian army soldier's chorus; and as an added bonus, the album presents selections representing the Hungarian military heritage of the Dual Monarchy. The CD is accompanied by brief notes in English and German.

Complete Contents Include:

Yankees in Vienna (Russell Alexander)

Scheuma-Marsch (A. Blaton)

Im Bedouinen-Lager (Karl Pauspertl)

Barataria-Marsch aus 'The Gondoliers' (Arthur Sullivan / Karl Komzák / I. Weninger)

Columbus-Marsch (Carl Michael Ziehrer, arr. Geiger)

Piave Marsch [Baron Lehár 106er Regimentsmarsch] (Franz Lehár)

Lyuck-Lyuck Marsch (Franz Lehár, arr. J. Kotay)

Losonci induló (Franz Lehár, arr. J. Kotay)

Sachsen-Kürassier Marsch, Op. 113 (Johann Strauss Jr.)

Leitmeritzer Schützenmarsch, Op. 261 (Julius Fučik, arr. S. Rundel)

9er Alpenjäger-Marsch (R. Kummerer) *TRIO GESUNGEN

Kaiser Franz Josef-Marsch (K. Pichler, arr. E. Hornof)

Kaiser Marsch, Op. 260 (Karl Komzák)

Kaiser Franz Josef I Rettungsjubelmarsch (Johann Strauss Jr., arr. J. Seidl)

Sophien Marsch (Anton Seifert, arr. F. Pollak)

Kronprinz Rudolf-Marsch (Andreas Leonhardt, arr. A.O. Sollfelner)

Österreichischer Kronprinz Marsch (Josef Strauss, arr. J. Schade)

Jung-Österreich Festmarsch (Andreas Leonhardt, arr. A.O. Sollfelner)

Frisch ins Feld! Marsch, Op. 398 (Johann Strauss Jr., arr. E. Brixel)

Herzog von Wellington [IR 42 Marsch] (Johann Schubert, arr. S. Rundel)

99er Regimentsmarsch (Richard Hunyaczek) *TRIO GESUNGEN

Total Time: 56:45

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